PSG Holdings and Cultural Connection

Cultural Connection

Featured Podcast of the Month

Cultural Connection

This month, we are featuring one of the most impressive podcasts that we have the opportunity to be a part of, PSG Holdings’ Cultural Connection. PSG Holdings is a 100% Indigenously owned Australian construction and services company. Dedicated to its vision of achieving reconciliation through business, PSG Holdings shares this vision with its staff and clients through the Cultural Connection podcast with RadioHub. 

Cultural Connection is a true inspiration to Indigenous entrepreneurs, businesses and companies and a testament to the commitment towards the traditional owners of the land. PSG Holdings’ leaders, partners and clients join host, Mark Coleman, CEO as he shares amazing stories such as growing their small office, partnering on multi-million dollar projects and championing reconciliation in Australian businesses.

Here are previews of the podcast:

Episode 1 with Troy Rugless, Founder and Director 

Troy shares the humble beginnings of PSG Holdings, from a small dilapidated office of 5 persons in Sydney to now 200 employees spread across the country. Even on its 10th anniversary, Troy still feels that the company is still in its infancy with so many new projects underway, new partnerships forged and new opportunities explored. Join the conversation and find more about the awesome history of PSG Holdings and its journey ahead.

Listen to this episode here: 

Episode 2 with Russell Farr, SKA Site Manager

Located on the ancestral lands of the Wajarri Yamaji people is one of PSG Holding’s most remote locations, Boolardy Station. Here, Russell Farr, site manages the accommodation facility for the CSIRO and the massive Square Kilometre Array (SKA). The SKA is a radio telescope project with one of its two cores, located in Australia, where the view of the Milky Way Galaxy is best. Hear stories about the great partnership between the local Pia community, CSIRO and PSGH as well as the exciting work and achievements of Russell and the rest of the team on this episode.

Listen to this episode here: 

Coming Soon Episode 3: Amy Castro, CEO of Evolve

Evolve FM is an Indigenous integrated facilities management company and is now being led by its first female CEO, Amy Castro. On this episode, Amy will talk about how a partnership between JLL and PSG Holdings is providing business and employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians. She shares how Evolve matches the service levels of competitors, how they receive industry awards and how they plan to expand their initiatives to the future.

RadioHub is honoured to work alongside PSG in producing the Cultural Connection podcast as we give prominence to true Indigenous partnerships across Australia.  

RadioHub is proud to be a part of this podcast discussing health, especially during these uncertain times. For more information on how you can start a podcast, contact us at 1300-871-880 or and see you soon at the RadioHub studios.


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