The New Habits of Podcast Listeners


The New Habits of Podcast Listeners

Podcast listening habits among Australians have significantly changed as reported by the Megaphone 2020 survey. Here are some of the findings of the survey and other information:

  1. Listening Time

    Peak listening time has changed from morning and evening commutes, now podcasts are being listened to across the day with a significant increase in listening between the hours of 11AM to 1PM.

  2. Lighter Content

    Listening to emotionally lighter content has increased. Content that is entertaining, informative and radio-styled are better received compared to weighty ones like true crimes as listening to podcasts is considered a space to pursue their own special interests.

  3. Podcast Genres

    In Australia, the top genres listened to are the specialist, lifestyle and news-related podcasts.

  4. Specialist

    Specialist podcasts include: business, science, technology, media and health

  5. Lifestyle

    Lifestyle podcasts include: sports, arts, food, fashion, literature, travel and fun

  6. News

    News podcasts include: COVID-updates and investigative journalist

  7. New Listeners

    The number of new listeners is up 15%, due mainly to the 2020 self-isolation rules, which provided listeners a mental break from their work from home arrangements.

  8. Leverage These Findings

    Partner with RadioHub and find out how you can leverage these findings in creating or improving your podcast.



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